New year calendar release by our Principal on 26th December 2021
Vaccination drive at Govt.College Kalyanadurg 27th December 2021
As jury in Koushal science exhibition on December 29th 2021
Labels: New year calendar release
New year calendar release by our Principal on 26th December 2021
Labels: New year calendar release
Labels: Disaster management at Nandhyal
Labels: RRC Prizes
Anti Leprosy Day : January 30th
World Wet Land Day : February 2nd
World Forestry Day : March 21
World Water Day : March 22
World TB Day : March 26
World Hemophilia Day : April 17
World's Earth Day : April 22
Laboratory Animal Day : April 24
World Red Cross Day : May 8
International Nurses Day : May 12
World no tobacco day : May 31
World Environmental Day : June 5
Doctors Day : July 1
World Malaria Day : August 20
World Mosquito Day : August 20
Ozone Protection Day : September 16
Alzeimer's day : September 21
Blood Donation Day : October 1st
World Animal Welfare Day : October 3
Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder Day : October 21
World Diabetic Day : November 14
World AIDS Day : December 1
Biological Diversity Day : December 29
Labels: Days to celebrate
1. HIV means Human Immuno Virus
2. AIDS means Aquired Immuno Deficiency Virus
3. HIV is a retro Virus
4. RNA containing viruses are called retro viruses
5. Corona virus is also a retro virus
6. Enzymes present in HIV is reverse transcriptase & integrase
7. Spike proteins are present in Corona virus
8. Zedovudine is the drug used for AIDS treatment
9. ART means Anti Retro Viral Therapy
10. Nevirapine is the drug given to prevent the spread of HIV from mother to fetus & newborn
11. AIDS is spread through blood, semen, contaminated needles and syringes
12. Tattooing is also the source of HIV spread
13. Common Cold is caused by rhino virus
14. COLD means Common Obstructive Lung Disorder
15. AIDS & HIV were first reported in 1981 in United States of America
16. Anthrax is a bacterial disease
17. Rabies vaccine was designed by Louis Pasteur
18. Malaria is caused by Plasmodium
19. World Mosquito Day is observed on August 20th
20. World Environment Day is June 5th
21. Quinine is the drug used in Malaria treatment
22. Worlds AIDS Day is observed on December 1st
23. HIV attacks T lymphocytes
24. CD 4 means cluster Differentiation
25. Cancer associated with ADIS patients is Kaposi cancer
26. B lymphocytes produce antibodies
27. T lymphocytes are matured in Thymus
28. Lymphocytes are generated from bone marrow
29. Mumps infect salivary glands
30. Mumps is a viral disorder
31. TDA means tobacco, drugs and alcohol
32. Nicotine is the alkaloid present in tobacco
33. Cholera is caused by Vibrio cholera
34. Typhoid is an intestinal disorder
35. Typhoid is caused by Salmonella thyphi
36. Botulism is commonly called food poisoning
37. Amoebiasis is caused by Entamoeba hystolytica
38. Alexander the Great died of Malaria
39. Metranidazole is used to treat amoebiasis
40 Quinine is extracted from the bark of Cinchona afficinalis
41. Normal Blood Pressure in human is 120/80
42. ELISA means Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay
43. Specific test for AIDS is Western Blot
44. The period when no antibodies are found in AIDS patient is called window period
45. PLWHA means People Living With HIV/ AIDS
46. Blood is made up of Plasma and blood cells
47. Plasma occupies 55% in the blood
48. Blood cells occupy 45% in the blood
49. Blood in human is red in color due to hemoglobin
50. Hemoglobin in human blood is present on RBC
51. Metal present in Hemoglobin is iron
52. Less quantity of hemoglobin in the circulating blood is called anemia
53. Anemia is caused by iron deficiency
54. Pernicious anemia is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin B12
55. First HIV case in India was reported in 1986
56. First AIDS case in India was reported in Chennai
57. HIV in India was first diagnosed by Dr.Suniti Solomon and her student Dr. Sellappan Nirmala
58. RBC in human being lack nucleus
59. Increase in the number WBC is leukemia
60. Leukemia is commonly called blood cancer
61. Increase in the number of RBC is called Polycythemia
62. Blood of insects is white in color due to lack of hemoglobin
63. Hemoglobin in earth worm is found dissolved in plasma
64. Ascaris is commonly called round worm
65. Platelet count drastically decreases during dengue infection
66. Vaccine given to prevent TB is BCG
67. Father of vaccination is Edward Jenner
68. Edward Jenner discovered vaccine for Small Pox
69. Biggest organ in human is skin
70. Biggest gland in human is liver
71. Biggest RBC in vertebrates is found in amphibia
72. Grave yard of RBC is spleen
73. Stool examination is done to diagnose amoebiasis
74. Blood test is done to diagnose malaria
75. The organ that undergoes swelling during severe malaria infection is spleen
76. Rod shaped bacteria are called bacillus
77. Comma shaped bacteria are vibrio
78. Spiral bacteria are called spirili
79. Circular bacteria are called coccus
80. Penicillin is the first antibiotic discovered
Labels: Quiz questions
Labels: Organ donation camp