Friday, February 25, 2022


                                  SVGM GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE KALYANDURG

                                                SCIENCE DAY QUIZ QUESTIONS 

1. Father of Biology is Aristotle 

2. Term Biology was coined by Lamarck 

3. Protozoans exhibit protoplasmic grade of organization 

4. Locomotory organs in Amoeba ar pseudopodia 

5. Connecting links between non-living and living organisms are viruses 

6. Connecting link between plants and animals is Euglena 

7. Sponges belong to Phylum Porifera 

8. Bath Sponge is Euspongia 

9. Dead man's finger is Chalina 

10. Amoebiasis is caused by Entamoeba histolytica 

11. Sun shine vitamin is Vitamin D 

12. Bones are made up of Calcium Phosphate 

13. Limit of blood sugar in normal person at the time of fasting is 70-100 mg/DL 

14. Malaria is confirmed by blood test 

15. Color vision is influenced by cones of retina 

16. Loss of water is called dehydration 

17. National bird of India is peacock 

18. Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin A 

19. Reserpine is used to treat hypertension 

20. Normal blood pressure of human being is 120/80 

21. Chemical used in drunk and drive breath  test is Potassium dichromate sulfuric acid 

22. Vitamin C is chemically called ascorbic acid 

23. Lions are found in Gir forests of Gujarath 

24. Chemical name of vitamin A is retinol 

25. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 causes pernicious anemia 

26. Cells without nucleus in human body are RBCs 

27. Sex determination and fetal health condition is done by amniocentesis 

28. Blood cells in humans are produced  by bone marrow

29. Blood coagulation is accomplished by platelets 

30. Sex is determined at the time of fertilization itself 

31. Deficiency of iodine causes simple goiter 

32. Metal present in hemoglobin is iron 

33. PUFA means Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids 

34. Pork Tape worm is scientifically called Teania solium 

35. Round worm is scientifically called Ascaris lumbricoides 

36. Filarial worm is Wuchereria bancrofti 

37. First cloned sheep is dolly 

38. Dolly was cloned by Wilmut 

39. Voice box in humans is called larynx 

40 Biggest organ in human body is skin 

41. Endocrine gland that is present in pair is adrenalin gland 

42. Unit of kidney is nephron 

43. Units of lungs are alveoli 

44. Biggest phylum in animal kingdom is Arthropoda 

45. Biggest class in Animal Kingdom is Insecta 

46. Programmed cell death is called Apoptosis 

47. Star fish belongs to the phylum is Echinodermata 

48. Blood cancer is called leukemia 

49. Protein present in nails and hair keratin 

50. Most abundant protein in human body is collagen 

51. Aging protein is collagen 

52. Smallest bone is stapes 

53. Longest bone is femur 

54. Number of ribs in human body is 24 

55. Mixed gland is pancreas 

56. Number of diploid chromosomes in human being is 46 

57. Biggest chordate is Blue whale 

58. Element involved in nerve impulse transmission is sodium 

59. Detoxifying center in human body is liver 

60. Vestigial organ in human body is vermiform appendix 

61. Site of fertilization in human being is fallopian tube 

62. Rearing of silk worm is sericulture 

63. Rearing of honey bees is apiculture 

64. Accumulation of lactic acid leads to muscle fatigue 

65. Biggest muscle is gluteus maximus 

66. Jelly fish belongs to the phylum coelenterata 

67. Cockroach scientific name is Periplanata americana 

68. Study of insects is entomology 

69. Exoskeleton in insects is made up of chitin 

70. Sea cucumbers belong to the phylum Echinodermata 

71. Most abundant inorganic compound present in the shell of Mollusca is calcium carbonate 

72.Snail scientific name is Pila globosa 

73. Master gland is pituitary 

74. Removal of testis is called architectomy 

75. Short sight is called myopia 



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