Important Questions for 1st Semester Zoology Examinations
Essay questions
1. Write an essay on Five Kingdom Classification
2. List out the rules of Binomial nomenclature
3. Add a note on nutrition in Protozoa
4. Describe the different types of locomotory organs of Protozoa
5. Describe the life history of Elphidium
6. Write an essay on skeleton of sponges
7. Describe the various types of canal system of sponges
8. Write an essay on coral and coral reef formation
9. Write an essay on polymorphism in Coelenterates
10. Add a short notes on evolutionary significance of Ctenophora
11. List out the parasitic adaptations of helminthes
12. Write an essay on life history of Fasciola hepatica
13. Write an essay on evolution of coelom and coelom ducts
14. Describe the economic significance of vermicompost
15. Write an essay on metamorphosis of insects
16. Write an essay on social life of bees and termites
17. Add a note on affinities of Peripatus
18. Write as essay on pearl formation
19. Write an essay on larval forms of Echinodermata
20. Describe the affinities of Balanoglossus
Short answer questions
21. Metagenesis in Obelia
22. Turbellaria
23. Crustacea
24. Life cycle of Ascaris
25. Sense organs in Mollusca
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